Have a question – Scroll through the list of frequently asked questions but if you don’t find your answer, feel free to give us a call or drop us a note. Find out More

What is the Waiting perioid for Rapid PCR Results??

Results Available Within 2 – 4 hours

What is the Waiting Period for Stand PCR Results

Results Available Within 24 hours

What is the Waiting Period for Rapid Antigen Results?

Results Available Within 15 – 30 minutes

Are results emailed?

Results are sent on email; hard copy can be printed out on request

What is the cost for a test?

Rapid PCR costs R1,100.00; Standard PCR test costs R500.00; Rapid Antigen test costs R280.00

Where are the testing stations located?

Cape Town International Airport – Ground Floor opposite Woolworths.
Oliver Tambo International Airport- Terminal A, Lower Level 6, Arrivals (Opposite Inter-Africa Bureau de Change)
Kind Shaka International Airport – 1st Floor (Check-In Level) Near SAA (Airport Clinic).

Where can I make a booking?

Visit the website https://navomixhealth.co.za/book-an-appointment/ or email bookings@navomixhealth.co.za for assistance.

Are walk-ins Customers acceptable?


How do I cancel bookings?

Click on the link located at the bottom of your Booking Confirmation email, or contact us on bookings@navomixhealth.co.za.

Where are payments made?

Payment can be made online when booking from our website, alternatively payments at the testing station is acceptable.

Do you accept card or cash payment?

Both Cash and Card (Mastercard/Visa)

How can one request a refund for an appointment no longer required?

Send an email to bookings@navomixhealth.co.za . Attach proof of payment, appointment ID and order number, please note that there will be a 10% Admin fee on all refunds.

Please Note, if you request a refund, we will only Refund you within 30 days of the date you made the booking, Unfortunately if you request a refund after this period we wont process the refund and payment will be forfeited.